Recent Lidl nights
Well, bugger me on camera and post me on a German special interest website. It has been a long time since my last post, so here's another one.
Since I started back at work we've had a couple of Lidl nights at 12 Chalybeate Street, and (very briefly) here's what happened:
February (at some point): Jean-Claude Damn Van evening. We all sat in my lounge and got arseholed. We were watching Kickboxer, then we watched Orgazmo to top it all off. Present: Jesse, Suzie, Laura, me, possibly Adi. I did the food, but I can't actually remember what.
("Noooooooo! Dat'z my brouder! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!)
March (at some point): Top Gun evening. We all sat in my lounge and got arseholed. This was a much grander affair, present: Nest, Bob, Keegan, Suzie, me, Jo (Maddern), and I think Jesse and Adi. We may have gone to the pub after. I can't remember. I did shedloads of food for this one, and I can't remember what that was either... but it might have been on a Mexican theme. Keegan provided the DVD for this beaut.
Because the trailer's a low quality encoding, here's another Top Gun video off YouTube. It's actually the music video for the theme tune. From the artist's point of view, the best thing about contributing to the Top Gun score must have been the super-low-budget videos you could knock out. Park yourself in a hanger, cut in some film footage, job's a good 'un innit:
Has the guitarist mugged a Cyberman? Arses, I don't even know if it's a bloke or a woman. ANYway, the moral of this story is, if you have a Lidl night, write it up before you forget what happened like I have.
Forthcoming planned Lidl nights for summer include Flesh Gordon night (no, really), and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century night. And probably a few more.
Forthcoming reviews from me will include Trolli Mini Burger (unless someone else has beaten me to it), Lidl 3p carrier bags, and Lidl 9p carrier bags.