the joy of lidl

a blog about lidl tasting

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Fig Rolls

Fig Rolls, 39p, 200g (10 rolls)

Lesley said fig rolls were utterly 1970's, but I take that as a good thing. Fig rolls, as you may well know, defy time. They are an all time classic, and if they are seen as a bit 1970's then it's time the nation woke up to the realisation that the fig roll is a wonderful innovative snack.

Lidl's version is a bit hit and miss. They are a bargain at 39p for ten (remember that a chocolate bar costs that much nowadays), but at that price something has to give. For me there is just not enough fig filling making the figness too subtle, it really just comes through at the end.

Having said that the price makes up for the lack of figness so on that basis alone I would highly recommend them. If you have forgotten about the joys of fig rolls then buy them today!


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