the joy of lidl

a blog about lidl tasting

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Phil is our favourite Lidl employee. His hair might look like it was around in the seventies but we still like him. We always wish he will serve us and today he did.

We first encountered this lovable rogue when we were served by him sometime before christmas. We picked up one of the new Lidl recipe books and he said to us as we walked away "ah yes, Lidl has gone up in the world!".

I think it was his cheeky comment and willing to interact with us about the joys of lidl that made him our favourite.

He must have gone up in the world too in the last six months. No longer has he a handwritten badge, now he has a bit of paper with his name printed on. Phil is going places.

Today was another day for a classic Phil quip. On spying the new promotions leaflet I saw that Lidl have an equestrian line from next week (this week Lidl are selling motorcycle equipment). Adorning the promotion is an image of a rather fine looking horse with its female rider standing rather stiffly besides. I commented on this strange range of items by saying "I wouldn't have thought the average Lidl customer is into that sort of thing". Phil replied, "Yes, and the horses make an awful mess on the floor".

He cemented his place in our hearts further.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, it seems Lidl is going up in the world in more ways than one, the prices more specifically..

The unusual-but-handy unique-to-Lidl 1.5 l cartons of orange juice now seem to be retailing around 79p in my local Lidl, whereas not so long ago (and for many years, I've been a Lidl fan for some time!) they were always around the 59p mark, give or take a few pence..

Likewise fruit: the prepackaged apples used to be around 99p, but now they seem to be retailing around £1.19, and similar increases on other fruit and veg, I think. They probably thought that coming after a half-price sale we wouldn't notice, but Lidl shoppers are cannier than that!

This is still reasonably good value, but it does mean a far smaller difference between Lidl prices and other-supermarket prices. And given there are some things I can't buy in Lidl that I need to go to other supermarkets for, this means my loyalty may be wavering..

10:42 pm  
Blogger Paul said...

Stay strong David. If prices are going up then that is a shame. I can't for one tell you that we have expeienced such rises, well not in the sweet section which is where we usually are to found.

Maybe they are having to raise their prices to fund such lavish promotions such as the 2 greek holidays to be won, and their rather dubiously targetted equestrian lines.

1:25 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool blog. You are right, Phil is the best. Haven't seen him for weeks though. Seems he left. How sad. Anyone got his number? ;-)

4:36 pm  

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